In today's broadened risk landscape, traditional assurances around risk are no longer effective.
For mining companies at any stage of project development, industry standards go well beyond the commitment to zero-harm. Boards, investors and communities expect you to have a forward-looking view on risk; moving from risk assurance to the anticipation of emerging risks.
Introducing the MineSafe Risk Management Program:
That's where International SOS' team of experts come in. With over 20 years experience, we are trained to help you generate long term value and license to operate within your project's community.
- Executive & Board Security Training - Security risks are fluid and ever-changing. Minimize the risk to your key stakeholders with customized, in-person training for your Executives and Board Members.
- Project Risk Analysis - Identify company risk associated with your projects with an emergency site response plan detailing a thorough and step-by-step process should a medical emergency occur at your site. Developed and delivered by experts familiar with remote project risks and medicine.
- Medical & Security Assistance - Call one of our 26 Assistance Centres any time to be connected with our doctors and security specialists.