Auto Emergency Check-In helps find your people when it matters most
By: International SOS Product Team, August 2020
Unexpected events happen all the time. Natural disasters, terrorism, and unexplained accidents can put the safety of your workforce in jeopardy, disrupt operations, and create uncertainty. Now more than ever, we need more tools to locate and support our people.

That’s why International SOS is pleased to announce the availability of Auto-Emergency Check-In (formerly Location Finder), a new feature that allows you to better find and support your people in an emergency and to help you prepare, prevent, and react when your workforce needs you most. Auto Emergency Check-In is a true Workforce Resilience solution that gives you the information you need to react in real-time with confidence during a major incident.  

Key Benefits Include:

  • Increased Location Accuracy at Critical Moments:  During an incident, Auto Emergency Check-In uses geolocation to automatically check your people in through the Assistance App so they do not need to remember to do so in a potential crisis.
  • Reach Impacted Employees with Confidence: By knowing your employees’ locations at the time of the incident, Auto Emergency Check-In enables you to focus your efforts on people who are actually in the impacted area of the incident and may require assistance.
  • Maintaining Privacy: Your people can be assured that their privacy is respected as Auto Emergency Check-In does not track or monitor their location. Their location is shared ONLY when they are confirmed to be in the area of a major incident.
Auto-Emergency Check-In: How it Works

In the Event of a Security "Special Advisory,"* Auto Emergency Check-In Will:

  • Verify individuals who, based on their mobile locations, are in the impacted area (whether they are on or off-itinerary)
  • Confirm those who have itineraries in the impacted area, but are in another part of the country at the time of the incident
  • Prompt those who have opted out of Auto Emergency Check-In but are in the impacted area and ask them to check in (see sections below for device setting details)
  • Provide you with better visibility of impacted individuals through manager notifications and the Tracker map interface
  • Automatically communicate with your impacted people from your Tracker account and provide you with welfare status reports (if you subscribe to the Automated Crisis Communication service).

Seamless Integration with Tracker
Auto Emergency Check-In integrates fully with Tracker, giving managers the confidence to know which of their people are potentially impacted during a Security Special Advisory, and how to prioritise outreach based on your peoples' proximity to incident.
See people who are in the impact area and those who automatically checked into the Tracker interface as a result of the
Security Special Advisory.
Auto Emergency Check-In Sample in Tracker
Auto Emergency Check-In Screen Zoomed In

Enabling Your Workforce: Turning on Auto Emergency Check-In
When enabled on a mobile device, Auto Emergency Check-in automatically shares a user's location with your organisation when the International SOS Assistance App recognises that that the last known location is within the impact area of a Security Special Advisory (a critical imminent event). In order for your workforce to benefit from this service, they will need to enable Auto Emergency Check-In on their device and that the right device settings are selected for optimal accuracy (go here to access the App user instructions for enabling AEC on a device).

Important! Users must upgrade to the latest version of the app to enable Auto-Emergency Check-In.
In order to use this feature, users must go to the settings menu by tapping on the highlighted icon and navigate to the Alerts and Notifications section. Users should then switch on Location-based Alerts and Auto Emergency Check-In.
App Dashboard Screen with Settings Icon Highlighted
App Settings Screen with Alerts and Notifications Expanded

Enabling  Your Workforce: Enabling the Correct Settings on a Device
In order to turn on Auto Emergency Check-In, you must  turn on Location Access at the device level for the Assistance App. Location access must be set to the highest precision in order to obtain your location during an incident. For iPhone, select “Always” and for Android select “Allow all the time.”Turn on Notifications at the device level for the Assistance App. 
Choose "Always" on an iOS Device
Choose "Allow all the time" on an Android Device
iOS - Location Settings Screen
Android - Location Permission Screen
Turn on "Allow Notifications" on an iOS Device
Enable All Notification Settings on an Android Device
iOS - Notifications Screen
Android - Notification Settings Screen

FAQs and Data Documentation
For additional information, please Click below for FAQs for managers and your workforce as well as information security documentation.
Questions? Please contact your account manager or click here for the digital support website.
*A Security Special Advisory requires that people act now, take immediate precautions or change travel plans. Indicates a significant unexpected development or major issue causing substantial change to a travel risk environment such as a terror attack, bombing, airport closures or major natural disaster. 

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