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What should you have in place to ensure a sound, state-of-the-art travel risk management programme?
Warn people about disruptive situations with information alerts

Quickly locate and identify local and mobile employees in harm's way

Communicate with those who are potentially impacted with 2-way, multimodal messaging

Access 24/7 Assistance

Stay informed about the situation with comprehensive reporting to inform your management and board members

This new report demonstrates the value of crisis and business critical communication strategies to ensure the safety of your mobile workforce and your business continuity.

Download to access expert insights from senior practitioners in risk management, physical security, and business continuity.
Everbridge is a leading unified critical communications platform trusted by corporations and communities of all sizes that need to reach the right people for immediate action, collaboration, and decision-making. Connecting millions of people and internet-connected devices, the company provides reassurance that secure, compliant messages are delivered, locally and globally, received and responded to, no matter the recipient's location. Everbridge is based in Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Beijing and London.

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* According to the Business Resilience Trends Watch 2018 survey conducted by Ipsos MORI in October 2017. Learn more.